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Subject: [ebxml-mktg-sc] 9/25/2002: Proposed ebMS excerptfrom"ebXML Concepts and Applications"
I've added some additional comments, albeit a bit late. This excerpt could be more well-organized and concentrate on: * Showing the need (business scenario and criteria) * SOAP overview * Contrast to ebMS * With two items above, integrate XML representations and highlighted blocks that link it to explanation. Perhaps the overall book does this, but this excerpt doesn't show that. Monica -----Original Message----- From: Margo, Todd [mailto:Todd_Margo@stercomm.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 7:42 AM To: 'ebxml-mktg-sc@lists.ebxml.org' Subject: [ebxml-mktg-sc] Proposed ebMS excerpt from"ebXML Concepts and Applications" All, Attached is my proposed excerpt from the upcoming Gibbs/Damadoran book. It is basically the first twenty pages, about 5600 words, the max for a Feature article. As part of my assessment, I ended up doing another round of edits on the text, which I have passed onto Suresh, and which he is hoping can make it into the final version. Todd
ebMSBookChapter_54960Xch10_ Part1_mm1_092502.doc
Description: ebMSBookChapter_54960Xch10_ Part1_mm1_092502.doc
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