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Subject: [ebxml-mktg-sc] 10/9/2002: ebXML Adoption Template WORKING
Everyone, As a prelude to tomorrow's meeting, here is the draft WORKING adoption list. I would ask that you provide me inputs via email, or through tracked changes on the Excel spreadsheet (former option is easier to integrate and not lose details). Dave, there are several entries from your brief that I need references for or more detail. Nita, if you could add your inputs too that would be great. Todd and Ajay, still awaiting your feedback. This is just a start, so comments and suggestions welcome. I ask this not be distributed until we have it more formalized. I would like to get the information in shape and begin to query the contacts for more details, quotes, etc. to make our case for ebXML in the marketplace. Thank you. Monica J. Martin Program Manager Drake Certivo, Inc. 208.585.5946
Description: ebXMLAdoption_mm1_100902.xls
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