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Subject: RE: [ebxml-mktg-sc] META ebXML report
Message text written by "Yader, Mark (GXS)" > Don't shoot me, but I think the analogy of ebXML and WS to the OSI and Internet protocols is probably going to come true. ebXML's technical architecture and roadmap for e-business is great, but the world may not be ready for its "heavy" implementation in terms of complex standards (like the OSI standards.....X.400, X.500, etc). >>> Growl! No I won't shoot you - I'll just peg you out in the yard with fire-ants on your chest ; -) This is bogus thinking - and only MS and IBM are wishing that its real. Joke is that IBM were the biggest supporters of OSI.... <<< On a related subject, I'd like your opinion. While I have been pushing ebXML and WS on my company, they continue to ask me: So what do you think is the next "killer app" in B2B that will require these new technologies. After thinking about this, I came up with the following run-on sentence filled with techie acronyms: Peer-To-Peer (Distributed) Business Process Management and Document Orchestration based on the Semantic Web, XML Documents and Web Services. My question is: Does this sound like Star Wars or does it make any sense ? < >>> Mark - you've been sitting in your cubical too long! Please take a walk outside in the fresh air and then read " Peer-To-Peer (Distributed) Business Process Management and Document Orchestration based on the Semantic Web, XML Documents and Web Services" again! I will then delete the fact that you ever did or said this. Customers want real solutions to real business problems - I love the story at: http://www.fairdene.com/ So OK - they are trying to sell their book and the BPMI folks pitch - but the essence is true - business solution - then technology - technology is just tag-soup - business determines the use and needs. So what is ebXML? Its the ability to securely and reliably exchange electronic transactions via the internet using open standards - with the ability to automate the business process and payload integration so enterprises of all sizes can affordably interoperate, collaborate and build new relationships. What's the business point? Reduced cost of doing business with a wider business community than you are currently doing today. And that's the rub - how do you show people that? With real ROI stories from industry. So that "killer app" is the same as its always been - proven ebusiness - but now for a lower cost point - by tackling the high cost points from the past (VANs, software integration, adoption, support). The problem is that to get ALL of this means paradigm shift - because it includes XML based development and deployment tools - with templating particularly (like the OASIS CAM work) - but guess what? The big players do NOT want you to make that leap - they still need you to buy all the other old tools and pieces... DW.
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