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Subject: SV: [ebxml-mktg] Build it and they will come ?

Title: Build it and they will come ?
Steel 24-7 (www.steel24-7.com), the European steel marketplace owned by three of the worlds largest steel companies, Arcelor, Corus and Thyssen-Krupp, is currently running ebMS in operation and use ebMS as the preferred transport protocol to communicate with trading partners. CPAs are not currently supported, even if the parameters for the ebMS are based on the content of the CPA.
A number of pilots and tests are also running using ebMS, both for interchange of XML-messages as well as EDIFACT-messages. The message content is based on the work of Eurofer, the European Steel Industry organisation, and closely following the the ebXML CC work. We have already defined XML-schemas using (our version of) Aggregate BIEs etc.
Moreover we are evaluating products supporting ebXML RR to allow for partners to register and retrieve document structures, used code-sets etc.


Anders Tholén, anders.tholen@ferrologic.com


Mobile : +46 70 787 6787

Steel 24-7: +32 2 334 2407 (Brussels office)

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Yader, Mark (GXS) [mailto:Mark.Yader@gxs.ge.com]
Skickat: den 25 juli 2002 17:05
Till: ebxml-mktg@lists.ebxml.org
Ämne: [ebxml-mktg] Build it and they will come ?

Fellow members of ebxml-JMT (who art thou ?):

I am soliciting your ideas. I was hoping that the JMT would have a f-2-f meeting sometime soon after Barcelona (which I could not attend due to the "hard times" in the IT industry), but I haven't seen anything planned just yet.

As the ebXML evangelist in my company,I have successfully implemented a program to initiate development of ebXML capabilities. However, my company is now asking me: What is the market for this stuff (i.e, if we build it, who will come ?).

Many of you probably know us, but if not, GXS provides B2B software products and eCommerce services. I believe it will be important for us to support ebMS and other components of the ebXML architecture. However, I need to do some market research that "proves that" (our marketing team doesn't have the resources to do this)

I joined the ebXML-JMT in a hope to meet some leading-edge companies (i.e potential users, not other vendors...who I am meeting through the DGI Interoperability testing) that might help me in this regard.

Any suggestions ? Are there any Fortune 1000, or even SMEs, that would be willing to share with me your plans to use ebXML in the near future ?

Many thanks and regards.......

Mark Yader
Global eXchange Services (GXS)

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