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Subject: RE: [ebxml-mktg] ebXML vs EDIINT (AS2)
David, Can you explain this statement in some more detail: "The initial technical report on this is "YES" it can be done - to provide ebXML delivery over AS2 and adding this link to ebMS products." What does "provide ebXML delivery over AS2" and "adding this link to ebMS products" really mean? I think it's risky to assume this is a very short term step for WalMart. For practical reasons, it would probably be very smart to think in terms of making the non ebMS-aspects of ebXML (CPP/A, Registry, and BPSS) work with AS2. I have not seen anyone present a compelling argument about the advantages of ebMS vs. AS2. Do you have such an analysis? We have done some preliminary thinking on this topic at Sterling Commerce and have not come up with anything compelling. Also, the WalMart initiative is for all of their partners big and small, some 8,000. Todd -----Original Message----- From: David RR Webber - XMLGlobal [mailto:Gnosis_@compuserve.com] Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 1:26 PM To: ebxml Marketing Subject: re: [ebxml-mktg] ebXML vs EDIINT (AS2) Anders, What we have been looking at is how technically you can migrate from AS2 to ebXML. The initial technical report on this is "YES" it can be done - to provide ebXML delivery over AS2 and adding this link to ebMS products. What I see with the AS2 is that it is an interim step. Clearly AS2 does not have all the BPSS and partner CPP support that ebXML brings. Therefore for someone like Walmart this is a very shortterm step - AS2 - to simply reduce VAN costs to their lower volume smaller suppliers. Longer term I see they will have a validated infrastructure using the internet - that can quickly step up to ebXML. Thanks, DW. ============================================================= Message text written by Anders Tholén >There seem to be a lot of activity in the EDI community moving to EDI message transfer over the internet using EDIINT AS2 in the last months. (Walmart has for instance required ALL their suppliers to move to AS2, forcing most of them to invest in new software and solutions.) SMEs investing today in software to support EDIINT AS2 are not very likely to switch to ebMS in the next decade. I see no signs of similar activity for ebMS. Does anybody know of information which compares the pros and cons of ebMS and EDIINT AS2? <
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