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Subject: Fwd: Re: please send proposal form
Dear POCers, Please find attached a proposal which is still work-in-progress and I haven't reviewed it but in the interest of time I'm forwarding to you (as is) for your review/consideration. Feel free to comment/question prior to our next conf. call. Regards, Nick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meeting notes for conf. call 8/24/2000 =========================== - There was agreement that the Fujitsu proposal was sufficiently high-level that it was safe to use it as the seed document. This does not mean that we will not consider any other proposals - it just means we now have a starting point and we will build on this and refine the document. - There was agreement that we could manage and therefore have have at most one or possibly two controlling documents i.e. scenarios sanctioned by the ebXML executive. - There was agreement to create four sub-proposal teams. The goal is to have these teams pull together their respective parts of the proposal and then help pull together the overall document - each team will need to have a draft proposal out for review by the next conf call i.e. 9/7/00 at the latest. The leads are; Phillipe (TR&P), Dale (Reg/Rep), Mark (BP/CC). Steve will own pulling the whole document together. Thanks for volunteering folks. - Melanie gave a brief intro on the GCI work - It sounds like we should spend some cycles and understand the business message that could be crafted around GCI for possible inclusion in Tokyo - the IP status of GCI BP modelling work seems clear - the DTDs/Schema is copyrighted but is in the public domain - the only caveat is that this is still work in progress. Melanie will work with Steve and table the business scenario for review. I would like the high level message reviewed by the STC asap. - Agreed to send the word out and solicit input to any and all who would like to contribute to the POC - remember if it isn't backed by ebXML specs it's DOA. - Agreed to postpone the decision on the need for a f2f meeting - will revisit this later. Agreed to Shift the *possible* f2f meeting to 17->19 of October. Hatem (ipnet solutions) has volunteered to host the f2f if needed - he is in Southern Cal. - details on this later. Conf. Call participants (in no particular order) ================================= Melanie <MKudela@uc-council.org> jacques durand <jacques@savvion.com> for ... Savvion & Fujitsu Farrukh Najmi <Farrukh.Najmi@east.sun.com> Joseph Baran <joebaran@extol.com> Philippe DeSmedt <PDeSmedt@viquity.com> Marc Breissinger <marcb@webmethods.com> Hatem ElSebaaly <hatem@ipnetsolutions.com> Chris Doyle <chris.doyle@tiecommerceusa.com> for ... <joe.dalman@tiecommerceusa.com "Moberg, Dale" <Dale_Moberg@stercomm.com> Steven Yung <steven.yung@sun.com> <mark.hale@ajubasolutions.com> If I missed anyone or otherwise got the info wrong please post the correction. *Proposed* POC Milestones ===================== Sub proposal drafts tabled (Philippe, Mark, Dale) -> 9/7/00 POC Business message tabled (Steve/Melanie) -> 9/7/00 Sub proposal final tabled (prop. leads) -> 9/21/00 List of "interested" participants tabled (Nick) -> 9/21/00 POC Proposal tabled (Steve/Melanie) -> 9/28/00 List of *Committed* participants tabled (Nick) -> 9/28/00 POC Proposal final (WG) -> 10/12/00 Technical/logistical review (All) -> f2f , 10/17/00 Target for pre-Tokyo Integration testing (All) -> 10/26/00 Note that I would like to do most of the work up-front this time so that those who wish to participate in the Tokyo WGs can do so. We should review/refine this dates as we move forward. Apologies ======= I inadvertently left out Krishna Sankar (Cisco) from my earlier list of interested parties for the Tokyo POC. Moral of the story is that you are only as good as your last meeting attendance ;-)
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