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Subject: Notes on POC conf. call
So here are a few notes I took following the conf. call today. 1) Team leads gave an update on the sub-proposal - Agreed on the following: - Need to use a standard proposal template - Use SJ POC doc format as an example - Need to get to a point where regrep can table an implementable spec - Farrukh to help drive the process - Phillipe owns (for now) the POC roles matrix - this needs to be published asap so contributors can allocate resources based on their interests and expertise - the populated matrix will eventually be folded into the overall proposal reflecting the level of commitment to the Tokyo POC - Nick will use the matrix and ping interested parties for their commitment on dlivering - The high-level business message is still in the works (Steve to post this - based on CGI) asap - Agreed that not every participant needs to do everything - picking a specific role and delivering on that is acceptable 2) Agreed to do a f2f meeting in Southern Cal. on 10/17,18,19 - Hatem to forward details to the list 3) Agreed to the following milestones - goal is to do as much integration testing *before* Tokyo - Sid owns hosting a public test platform - need to work out the details. >POC Milestones >============ > >Sub proposal drafts tabled (Philippe, Mark, Dale) -> 9/7/00 >POC Business message tabled (Steve/Melanie) -> 9/7/00 > >Sub proposal final tabled (prop. leads) -> 9/21/00 >List of "interested" participants tabled (Nick) -> 9/21/00 > >POC Proposal tabled (Steve/Melanie) -> 9/28/00 >List of *Committed* participants tabled (Nick) -> 9/28/00 > >POC Proposal final (WG) -> 10/12/00 >Technical/logistical review (All) -> f2f , 10/17/00 > >Target for pre-Tokyo Integration testing (All) -> 10/26/00
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