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ebxml-poc message

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Subject: RE: upcoming POC work?


Based on Reg/Rep team discussions in Tokyo, should we also assume that the
following will be targeted for POC in Vancouver?
	Reg/Rep - Ad Hoc query
	Reg/Rep - Publish and Subscribe
Joel Munter

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark A. Hale [mailto:mark.hale@interwoven.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 10:27 AM
To: hdain@ectone.com; ebXML-poc@lists.ebxml.org
Subject: RE: upcoming POC work?


Thank you for the interest and welcome.  At this time, the POC is collecting
topics for the Vancouver demonstration.  The discussions to date included
things such as:

	Reliable Messaging
	Business Processes/Core Components
	International Trading
	Multiple Transports

We hope to have a list by the first week of December so we can begin to
narrow down the list.  Please feel free to add topics (by posting to this
list) that are representative of new specification functionality.



Mark A. Hale                                            408-220-7483 tel
Standards Architect                                     408-774-2002 fax
Interwoven                                     mark.hale@intwerwoven.com
1195 W. Fremont Avenue                         http://www.interwoven.com
Sunnyvale, CA  94087

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hansen Dain [mailto:hdain@ectone.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 12:46 PM
> To: ebXML-poc@lists.ebxml.org
> Subject: RE: upcoming POC work?
> What remaining POC work is there to be completed? Our company
> would like to
> sign up to help out for any upcoming work. I would like to be in on a
> conference call if there is one scheduled. Please let me know the details,
> since I am new to this. Thanks,
> -Dain
> Dain Hansen
> ECtone
> dhansen@ectone.com

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