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Subject: RE: ebXML PR event 12/12 -- PoC strawman proposal

Sterling Commerce will supply registry services for the demo,
and will arrive in the afternoon on Monday to set up.

I doubt that I can be on a call this week because
of conflicts with Boston f2f Wed Thur and Fri...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Philippe DeSmedt [mailto:PDeSmedt@viquity.com]
> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 9:09 PM
> To: 'Sigmund Handelman'; Philippe DeSmedt
> Cc: 'carol.geyer@oasis-open.org'; 'ebXML poc'; 
> 'ed.julson@eng.sun.com';
> 'joe.dalman@tiecommerce.com'; Philippe DeSmedt;
> 'simon.nicholson@eng.sun.com'; 'steven.yung@sun.com';
> 'susan.struble@eng.sun.com'
> Subject: RE: ebXML PR event 12/12 -- PoC strawman proposal
> A PoC conference call later in the week is essential. Rather 
> than usurping
> the regularly scheduled PoC time slot, I suggest that we 
> schedule one for
> Thursday, around 1 or so, Pacific time. Would that work for all
> participants?
> -Philippe
> _______________________________
> Philippe De Smedt
> Architect
> Viquity Corporation (www.viquity.com)
> 1161 N. Fair Oaks Avenue
> Sunnyvale, CA 94089-2102
> (408) 548-9722
> (408) 747-5586 (fax)
> pdesmedt@viquity.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sigmund Handelman [mailto:swhandel@us.ibm.com]
> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 5:55 PM
> To: Philippe DeSmedt
> Cc: 'carol.geyer@oasis-open.org'; 'ebXML poc'; 
> 'ed.julson@eng.sun.com';
> 'joe.dalman@tiecommerce.com'; Philippe DeSmedt;
> 'simon.nicholson@eng.sun.com'; 'steven.yung@sun.com';
> 'susan.struble@eng.sun.com'
> Subject: RE: ebXML PR event 12/12 -- PoC strawman proposal
> Hello,
> IBM will be working in the demo. Also, is there a POC Press 
> call this week?
> Regards, Sig

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