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ebxml-poc message

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Subject: [XML One - London] Preliminary Details

I am very happy with the results of the ebXML Media Event in San Francisco.
Thank you for the opportunity to work with you all.

I have some preliminary details concerning the upcoming XML One event in

Dates and Location

	XML One - London, England
	The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre
	Conference: 19-22 March 2001
	Exhibition: 21-22 March 2001
	Web site:	http://www.xmlconference.com/london/index.asp

Session Details

There will be a dedicated session for ebXML for the week.  The following
will be specific to the POC (I have not been told exact dates and durations

- POC has agreed to do a mid-week keynote demonstration.  Very much similar
to the way in which the demonstration was done in Tokyo.

- Hatem El Sebaaly and I have agreed to do a POC implementation session on
behalf of the POC describing exact payloads, specifications, and other
specifics.  This will be open to all POC participant input but the speaker
set must be limited.

It is my intention that both of these events will respect the guidelines of
the POC (specification requirements, vendor neutrality, etc.).

POC Specifics

As a guideline, I think that it would be good to use XML One to catch
implementations of specifications that were not ready for Vancouver or were
time limited AND that form a bridge from Vancouver to Geneva.  I feel that
it is important that we meet our regular meeting schedule.  Also, I think
that we should do the following:

- Vendors participating in XML One must participate in either the Vancouver
or Geneva POC
- Proposals for XML One should be submitted by 1/12 (delayed to give POC
time to flush out Vancouver)
- Vendors planning to participate in XML One should post intent to the group
by 12/31- I will move discussions from the POC list to POC-PR after 1/12
- Vendors do have an opportunity to exhibit through standards XML One
channels.  There is already information on the Web Site

If you have any ideas or comments, please feel free to let us know.

	Have a good weekend,


Mark A. Hale                                            408-220-7483 tel
Standards Architect                                     408-774-2002 fax
Interwoven                                      mark.hale@interwoven.com
1195 W. Fremont Avenue                         http://www.interwoven.com
Sunnyvale, CA  94087

                 Interwoven...  Moving Business to the Web

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