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ebxml-poc message

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Subject: RE: submission for the Vancouver POC - Business Process Editor

Dear POCers,
We, authors of the Business Process Editor - Vancouver POC proposal wanted
to add a small additional ammendment to our current proposal document, that
more clearly references the Business Process Editor concept to current ebXML
workgroup documents. Specifically the amended section references :
.	Use of the ebXML metamodel for the definition the Collaboration
Specification. [Collaboration Modeling Metamodel & UML Profile - Draft
Version 3.0]
.	Use of the ebXML Infrastructure Schema Specification for the
generation of XML process documents. [Business Collaboration Specification
Schema - Draft Version 0.1]

An updated version of the POC proposal is attached.

Thanks very much
Dave Welsh
Director of e-Fulfillment

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicholas Kassem [mailto:Nick.Kassem@eng.sun.com]
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 5:42 PM
To: ebxml-poc@lists.ebxml.org
Cc: Bob Haugen (E-mail); Brian Hayes (E-mail); Nita Sharma (E-mail);
Subject: Fwd: submission for the Vancouver POC - Business Process Editor

Dear POCers,

I am forwarding this early Draft proposal as-is for your consideration. 
Thanks to David and team.


>From: "Welsh, David" <David.Welsh@nordstrom.com>
>To: "Nicholas Kassem (E-mail)" <Nick.Kassem@eng.sun.com>
>Cc: "Bob Haugen (E-mail)" <linkage@interaccess.com>,
>         "Brian Hayes (E-mail)" <Brian.Hayes@Commerceone.com>,
>         "Nita Sharma (E-mail)" <nsharma@netfish.com>,
>         "James Clark (E-mail)"
>         <jdc-icot@lcc.net>
>Subject: submission for the Vancouver POC - Business Process Editor
>Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 18:38:54 -0700
>X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
>Please accept the attached POC proposal for Vancouver.
>This particular POC goal is to illustrate how the ebXML business process
>discovery and specification activity can be made easy. The POC will focus
>the business management aspects of ebXML. One of the POC activities will be
>an "automated exercising and engagement" of the Technical Architecture.
>This proof of concept is meant to illustrate how an ebXML compliant
>Process Editor toolset can be used by any business community.
>Very best wishes
>David Welsh
>Director e-Fulfillment
>  <<Business Process Editor Toolset POC Proposal.doc>>

Business Process Editor Toolset POC Proposal REVISED.doc

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