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Subject: RE: Business process editor

JP, Ed, and all,

The BP Editor is proposed for an ebXML proof-of-concept.
As such, it can only use ebXML specs.  Moreover, the
ebXML BP metamodel contains all the requirements for
specifying business collaborations up to some high
degree of complexity (beyond which we get into supply

Bob Haugen

-----Original Message-----
From:	Ed Pimentel [SMTP:epimentel@broadriver.com]
Sent:	Thursday, December 21, 2000 4:03 PM
To:	JP Morgenthal; ebxml-Poc (E-mail)
Subject:	RE: Business process editor


I have reviewed them.
My recommendation is at least to evaluate out how BPML and/or WFxml can be
use to support these efforts.

Ed Pimentel
BroadRiver Communications

13000 Deerfield Parkway suite 210
Alpharetta GA 30004

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-----Original Message-----
From: JP Morgenthal [mailto:jp.morgenthal@xmls.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2000 3:30 PM
To: ebxml-Poc (E-mail)
Subject: Business process editor


Has anyone review the BPMI (Busines process Management Initiative)
vocabulary in XML as a starting place for the toolkit.  If not, you might
want to check out BPMI.org.


JP Morgenthal
XMLSolutions Corporation
VM: (703) 506-1111 x 7306
C: (703) 298-5630
E: jp.morgenthal@xmls.com

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