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Subject: POC agenda 2-22-01


	Couple of observations :

	1.	Yes, I can provide the code to generate a CPA from two CPPs. I will need
to update the java class to reflect the new CPA-CPP specs. But no problems.
When do you need it by ?

	2.	Are we going to do the new TRP (ie the one based on SOAP ?) If so, you
will need to consider the lead time (ie when the TRP group will be able to
get a stable version of the specification out). If not, (which means the POC
group would use the 0.93 trp version) we should be prepared to answer the
question why we did not implement the SOAP version.

		My humble opinion is that we would need the SOAP version. Apache has the
SOAP module, which should make the trp POC easier.

	3.	I can also help with the registry security. Who all are implementing the
registry ? Does anybody need the security classes ?

	4.	Just as a suggestion, a top level proj plan with the required
deliverables could be helpful.

	cheers and good luck

|-----Original Message-----
|From: Askary, Sid [mailto:saskary@netfish.com]
|Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 9:23 PM
|To: ebXML POC; ebxml-awareness@lists.ebxml.org
|Subject: POC agenda 2-22-01
|All of the that have participated in Tokyo will be getting a
|mention in both
|event - after all, they helped create this.
|Also, We need to have your respective marketing folks within your
|organization get in-touch the ebxml marketing group (I have a list
|of people
|from Tokyo to whom I am sending this, but the majority of recent LONDON -
|NEW YORK POC members need to do this ASAP).
|Don't forget to give them the CD, DVDs (The marketing team worked very hard
|- and at great expense to produce these).
|The sign-up for London or New York is now closed.
|Brief discussion of POC activities:
|Issues for London - New York:
|Krishna: Can sun, Cisco or Sterling provide the code that  donated for
|merging the TPAs?
|Philippe:  Can you provide the dtds that were used in Tokyo?
|I know some of you have questions about the ability to do TRP.  Others have
|offered to provide that.
|Please provide me with the following only:
|	if {You can't do TRP
|	    Let me know
|	}else { Are willing to provide TRP for someone
|		if {any restrictions - or potential partnership conflict}
|			include that info as well
|		}
|		Let me know
|	}
|Steve / Ed from marketing:
|1)  "Do ebXML Demo participants have a demo space for showing something
|later? Or just demonstration only in the key note speech?" (Iwasa)
|2)  A more detail explanation of the New York Event
|Issues with the new specs:
|Jacques:  Feedback from trp on baseline functionality + SOAP enveloping:
|How does it look?
|JP/ Michael:  Is there a reg/rep spec coming soon?
|Dale:  A default bootstrap?
|Hatem / Maryann:  Have you heard more about a base-line security feature?
|We will not focus on Vienna.  We will continue to work on the
|proposal.  But
|I would like the focus of the group for now to be either the Specs or the
|London New York events.
|Voting on the Nominees for co-chair:
|Philippe Desmedt 	Viquity
|Bill Cox 		BEA
|To unsubscribe from this elist send a message with the single word
|"unsubscribe" in the body to: ebxml-poc-request@lists.ebxml.org

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