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Subject: Vienna POC F2F 4-17 Santa clara: Initial notes
POC Members The first of two scheduled F2F meetings for the upcoming Vienna POC took place at Netfish offices in Santa Clara on Tues 4/17/01. Below, are attendees representing their companies and other working groups. I thank them for their participation and cooperation. BEA Systems, Bill Cox Commerce One, Dimitri Cherkassky Contivo,Francois Dumas Contivo,Turochas Fuad Cyclone Commerce (TP WG),Dale Moberg Cyclone Commerce Inc.,Jeff Turpin Fujitsu,Kazunori Iwasa GE,Lixin Qie IBM (CC WG), Sigmund Handelman Ipnet,Hatem ElSebaaly NTT Corp.,Keisuke Hata NTT USA Inc.,Takayuki Nakao Netfish (BP WG), Nita Sharma Netfish,Sid Askary Samsung SDS,Hyogil Ahn Samsung SDs,Dongjin Kim Savvion (Fujitsu), Jacques Durand Savvion (Fujitsu), Keyvan Vosoughi Sterling commerce, Bill Burcham Sterling commerce, Sanjay Cherian Sybase Inc., Himagiri Mukkamala TIBCO, Michael Wang Visa, Poly Jan webMethods (TRP WG), Prasad Yendluri Overall, it was a very successful planning meeting. Roles, scenarios and document types were determined. Also, WG representatives gave brief, but insightful presentations on the implementation issues with regards to the specifications. We did our best to insure that everyone who signed up was given a role. I, along will bill and Sig will review the final draft of the document before it is posted. Action items: Over the next few days there will be emails posted to the group on several topics - Bill Cox to post the list of companies with roles, and find out about those that we may have missed. He is also coordinating the participation of BP and CC tools for design time. - Himagiri Mukkamala to post the issues with TRP and SOAP implementation. - Dale Moberg to post Sample CPP/CPAs. - Ralph Berwanger to post issues with XMLDSIG. - Sig Handelman to post the latest draft of POC Document after a final tally and review. - Francois Dumas to help with the presentation flow. It is our intention to accommodate all the willing participants. I would like to remind everyone that we have come a long way in 18 months and now is time for the final push. We need to insure that the demo in Vienna is an inclusive, comprehensive and successful presentation. In all likelihood, this demo, much like our other efforts, will have a life beyond Vienna. Regards, Sid Askary Chair, POC WG
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