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Subject: [Issues-TRP]
THe first three issues are related to earlier email about SOAP/Apache by Sakata Yuji 1) Always have a manifest element - This is cause Apache does the invoke based on the first child of the SOAP body element and sometimes messages may not have a manifest element. Hence all ebXML messages should have a Manifest element. 2) Stick to "eb" as the namespace prefix for all ebXML elements. 3) There will be an empty payload mime body part for messages without payload. This is cause apaches' implementation does'nt write messages as multipart/related if there are no multiple body parts. 4) PartyID: The example around the the element definition in the TRP spec shows as type"urn:duns.com" and the actual value as the TEXT_NODE. But in the example at the end of spec, it's shown as TEXT_NODE with value "urn:duns:111111" with no type attribute. This needs to be clarified. 5) Agree on where the DUNS number comes from. Use some arbitrarily assigned numbers ? 6) There are some issues with IBMs' implementation of XMLDSIG which ralph pointed out. This needs to resolved by this week or else XMLDSIG may not be used. 7) Where Schema and DTD exist, use schema as the standard. 8) Use specification as the source of information, if there is a discrepancy between the spec and the sample. But need to convey that to the working group. 9) All the business level conversations will be asynchronous as the demo has user interaction.
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