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Subject: re "What is an R"
David Webber wrote: | Thanks for finding an example that EXACTLY illustrates the point. Yes, the point was that librarians use complex data systems, rather than just assigning a number to a book, as you suggested. | This site is perfectly functional for trained librarians to use - but | is utterly useless for normal business people. Right. Ordinary library users use a *different interface* based on *the same metadata*. [irrelevant example omitted] | So what is this teaching us? | | That the generalized classification and searching mechanisms | in Repositories like this is EXACTLY why they are failing to | deliver broad-based adoption outside of highly specialized | niche implementations. Dictionaries were created 500 years | ago when printing presses were invented. They are next to | useless for empowering you to find information, unless you | are prepared to do line-by-line exhaustive searches. The document "What is a Repository Anyhow" does not talk about interface. So you seem to be arguing a point that was not at issue. | You absolutely MUST expose a business functional, directed | searching mechanism FIRST. This enables end-users to | see immediately what is available within the Repository. | THEN they know straightaway if they have reached the right | place to even find an answer. Generalized searching methods | are not adequate. Who do you believe proposed that ebxml use a "generalized searching method"? Please provide a reference. | > | In the document I was commenting on, the point of | departure is the modelling of business processes, which the | CEFACT TMWG has embraced. If you want to take issue with that | decision, you'll probably have to show them how you can get the | results they think they need without the machinery they think | they need. | < | | As for the TMWG draft - this is only a working document and | has not been broadly adopted by the X12 membership. As such | it is clear WHY the ebXML effort needs to put the eBusiness | facilitation first - and YES, you can bet that I will be demonstrating | software and XML mechanisms that do simply, inituitively and | effectively meet the business need here. And all the other business needs mentioned in http://objectrepository.homepage.com/BusReq.html which I'll now turn to.
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