Subject: Gallagher - Comments/Proposals #3, re: Figure 3: Object Class Hierarchy
Gallagher - Comments/Proposals on Figure 3: Object Class Hierarchy See page 10 of the ebXML Registry & Repository specification, version 0.41, November 2000. 1) An Object, the root class in the hierarchy, is required to have attributes for GUID, URI, and Name. What is the purpose of requiring all of this information for an Address or a Submission? What is the URI and Name of the address "34 Elm St."? If I submit an object to be registered, what is the meaning of the Submission.Name as something distinct from ManagedObject.Name? What is the meaning of URI for an Organization - does it return metadata for that organization? Or is it the organization home page? Or does it just return the name and address of the Organization. Proposal: a) Only require URI and Name in places where they make sense, e.g. Managed Object. Let each Class have it's own set of required attributes. b) Only require URI for ManagedObject -- that's the only class that requires a mandatory reference to the "managed object content". Then the attribute can have some meaning, such as the "location" of the "managed object content". 2) An Association is a binary link from a ManagedObject to an Object. Why is it also a subtype of ManagedObject and thus required to have all of the attributes of a ManagedObject, including objectType, majorVersion, minorVersion, registryStatus, etc. If an object has a "Uses" association with 35 other objects, why does each association have to have versions and status? Proposal: Don't require that an Association be a subtype of ManagedObject. Instead, just let it be what it is - a named link between two other things, one of which is a ManagedObject instance. Thus an Association instance is dependent upon a ManagedObject instance and can be thought of as an attribute, or set of attributes, of that instance rather than a ManagedObject instance itself. It's not necessary to invent the 4 required attributes for ManagedObject as well as the 3 additional required attributes for Object! 3) A package is a logical grouping of Managed objects (line 301). Why then is a Package a subtype of ManagedObject, which means that it is metadata about some "managed object content"? It IS a "managed object content" and thus should have a ManagedObject instance that points to it - not be a ManagedObject instance. Proposal: Don't require that Package be a subtype of ManagedObject - instead require that the Registry Services support packages by being able to create them, describe them via a ManagedObject instance, and retrieve them. 4) A classification node is a specific node within a specific classification tree (lines409-410). Why then is a ClassificationNode a subtype of ManagedObject? It seems that a ClassificationNode instance is important in and of itself - it is an integral part of a specific classification tree -- not metadata for something else. Why is each node in a classification tree (there may be thousands - e.g. ) required to have a URI, major and minor versions, and a registration status. Instead, it's the classification tree that should have these things -- not each node of the tree. Proposal: Don't require that each classification node be a managed object! Instead, re-introduce the notion of a classification tree as a "managed object content", with nodes as its content, and with each classification tree having a ManagedObject instance associated with it. Provide Registry Services to create a new classification tree, supply metadata for it, and define its constituent nodes. 5) A classification is a specialized association from a ManagedObject to a specific ClassificationNode in a classification tree (lines 419-421). Thus why is it necessary for a Classification instance to have 4 required Association attributes and 3 required Object attributes, when something like "NAICS 11114" to identify the NAICS classification tree and a node within that tree is sufficient. Proposal: Do not require that Classification be a subtype of ManagedObject. Instead, treat classification as an attribute of some ManagedObject instance. The attribute will identify a classification tree and a node within that tree. The user can then access the classification tree (presumably it is a registered "managed object content") to determine that 11114 means "Wheat Farming" as a subset of "Oilseed and Grain Farming" as a subset of "Crop Production" as a subset of "Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting". We can visualize (NAICS 11114) as a classification attribute of FarmerJohn's Organization Profile; it could be represented as such in the Registry rather than as a ManagedObject instance. 6) PROPOSAL to Replace Figure 3 Replace Figure 3 in the ebXML Registry & Repository, version 0.41, with Figure 1 "Registry and Repository Objects" (page 6) of the OASIS specification (PDF 788KB) This action addresses comments 1,3, and 5 above, as well as parts of the other comments. 7) PROPOSAL re: Classification, Association, and ExternalObject Let Classification, Association, and ExternalObject be treated as dependent classes of a ManagedObject class, as represented in Figure 3 "RegistryEntry with dependent classes" (page 11) of the OASIS specification. They are all part of the metadata for some "managed object content", not the complete metadata. Thus they should all be linked to a ManagedObject instance, not be ManagedObject instances themselves. This action addresses the remainder of the above comments except for how to deal with classification tree and Package. Those "special" registered objects can be handled as indicated in the following proposal. 8) PROPOSAL to Replace Figure 1 -- retain notion of Repository Re-introduce the notion of Repository being an optional component of a Registry/Repository implementation. Then ClassificationScheme and RegistryPackage can be treated as "managed object content", as they should be, each with its own metadata stored as a ManagedObject instance. This can be captured by replacing Figure 1 in the ebXML Registry Information Model by Figure 2 "Registry/Repository Class Diagram" (page 7) of the OASIS specification. A "managed object content" stored in a Repository is still only accessible in one of two ways: 1) The URI given as an attribute of ManagedObject, or 2) a special Registry Service to return the "managed object content" instead of, or along with, a ManagedObject instance. CONCLUSION The above actions would address all of my concerns about the direction of the ebXML Registry and Repository specification. We could then focus on the details of Registry Services. ************************************************************** Len Gallagher NIST Work: 301-975-3251 Bldg 820 Room 562 Home: 301-424-1928 Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8970 USA Fax: 301-948-6213 **************************************************************
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