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Subject: Security model: take 2
I apologize for the confusion this may cause. Based on some discussions with Ron Monzillo who is the security architect for my group, I am enclosing some last minute modifications to the security model in RIM 0.51. I humbly propose that we review RIM 0.51 as is first. When we are through with the discussion (or likely during the security part of the discussion) we can look at this new picture (attached) and I can explain the changes that Ron has proposed. We could then decide on which version of the model is better for our needs. The key change is that there is exactly 1 AccessControlPolicy (ACP) object explicity defined for each Object. The ACP object specifies a collection of Permissions. Each Permission grants access specific methodName to an associated Privilege. More during meeting. -- Regards, Farrukh
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