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Subject: RE: Fri conf. call

There *may* be. There currently seems to be a feeling that the registry
security aspect
very well may be complete with no issues, but has dangling information in
various places.
I am hoping you can be one of folks to help me pull it all together.....

Scott Hinkelman, Senior Software Engineer
XML Industry Enablement
IBM e-business Standards Strategy
512-823-8097 (TL 793-8097) (Cell: 512-940-0519)
srh@us.ibm.com, Fax: 512-838-1074

Krishna Sankar <ksankar@cisco.com> on 03/01/2001 01:02:02 AM

To:   Scott Hinkelman/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, Yutaka Yoshida
cc:   ebxml-regrep@lists.ebxml.org
Subject:  RE: Fri conf. call


     Are there any specific registry security issues ?


|-----Original Message-----
|From: Scott Hinkelman [mailto:srh@us.ibm.com]
|Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 10:52 AM
|To: Yutaka Yoshida
|Cc: ebxml-regrep@lists.ebxml.org
|Subject: Re: Fri conf. call
|I am also helping the Security team regroup with where we are with
|security. I am identifying
|reg security particles from docs and elists so we can quickly review where
|we are. It would be good to
|havea small amount of time on this important issue, as there does seem to
|be loose pieces........
|Scott Hinkelman, Senior Software Engineer
|XML Industry Enablement
|IBM e-business Standards Strategy
|512-823-8097 (TL 793-8097) (Cell: 512-940-0519)
|srh@us.ibm.com, Fax: 512-838-1074
|Yutaka Yoshida <Yutaka.Yoshida@eng.sun.com> on 02/28/2001 12:20:56 PM
|Please respond to Yutaka Yoshida <Yutaka.Yoshida@eng.sun.com>
|To:   ebxml-regrep@lists.ebxml.org
|Subject:  Fri conf. call
|As Scott proposed, we'll have a conf. call this coming
|Fri. from 11:30PST(13:30 CST, right, Scott?)
|The agenda is discussing about updated specs.
|Date:     3/2 (fri)
|Time:     11:30 PST estimated 3 hours
|Toll Free:     (877)475-9228
|International: (954)797-1944
|Access Code:   641121
|yutaka yoshida
|Sun Microsystems
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