Subject: RIM 0.58 distribution
Attached is RIM 0.58. Changes from RIM 0.57 are substantial and reflect the decisions from todays (make that yesterdays) excellent and very productive meeting. AFAIK all RIM issues we had identified for resolution have been addressed. If I have missed any let me know. RS 0.87 will follow sometime tomorrow. Changes include: -Classification is now a sibling of Association instead of sub-class (fig 2). It's interface definition now adds attributes classifiedObject (was inherited sourceObject) and classificationNode (was inherited targetObject). Removed pre-defined association types CLASSIFIED_BY and CLASSIFIES. Updated various figures. Of note is the context sopecific classification figure which had a mistake. -Added slotType attribute to slot. Updated slot use in light weight classification (and RS section on I18N) to use specific slotTypes. -Added statement on contentURU attribute that it must be resolvable by tyhe registry. -Changed all enumeration to be Classification scheme based. They are all extensible now (thanks Nikola for the excellent idea!) -path attribute in ClassificationNode now says it is an XPATH syntax -- Regards, Farrukh
begin:vcard n:Najmi;Farrukh tel;work:781-442-0703 x-mozilla-html:TRUE adr:;;;;;; version:2.1 email; fn:Farrukh Najmi end:vcard
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