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Subject: Expanded Outline for ebXML Requirements Document
Folks, Here is my proposal for an outline. I dropped organizational requirements since I'm not sure we want to talk about the ebXML work group itself. Please take a look at it and indicate your suggestions, approval, or whatever. I would like to gain agreement on the outline by early next week so folks can begin working on sections. If all are in agreement on the outline, I think much of section 1 can be derived from what Kenji submitted. I have a particular interest in doing section 2.2.2 on non-functional requirements for application to application. I will certainly be open to help with this though. For section 3 on the detailed requirements of the guidelines, we can come up with starting points on our team. However, I expect that most of the content for this section will come from the other work groups. This also holds true for sections 4, 5, and 6. Regards, Attachment is in Word 97 -- Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting http://www.metronet.com/~rawlins/
ebXML Requirements Specification - Outline.doc
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