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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: ebXML Conference Call

I will be available to participate in the conference call the mornings of
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

Any questions, call or e-mail me.

Donald D. Rudie		100 Locust Avenue	
Vice President		Berkeley Heights, NJ  07922
Global Data Authority	908-665-6088 - Tel#	
rudied@dnb.com		908-665-6325 - Fax#

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Rawlins [mailto:rawlins@metronet.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 8:03 PM
To: ebXML-Requirements@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: ebXML Conference Call

So far we have no volunteers to host the call.  I will check to see if DISA
will set
it up for us.  If so, it will be a U.S. number (Alexandria, VA, I think)
that we all
dial in to.  I plan to keep the call to less than one hour.

I don't think we have time to set something up this week, particularly since
still have not heard from a few folks.  I'll shoot for morning on Mon, Tue,
or Wed
next week.  Of those that have responded so far, here is the breakdown for

2 Any of Mon, Tue, Wed (Secretary included)
2 Mon or Tue (Team Leader included)
1 Mon only
1 Tue or Wed (Editor included)
1 Wed only

Until others respond, Monday or Tuesday look best.

Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting

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