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Subject: Requirements from Bob Miller
Here are some requirements submitted by Bob Miller, who is project leader for the Architecture team and chair of X12C. Mike -- Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting http://www.metronet.com/~rawlins/
- From: "Miller, Robert (GEIS)" <Robert.Miller@geis.ge.com>
- To: rawlins@metronet.com
- Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 12:06:35 -0500
Mike, As your team addresses ebXML requirements, please give some thought to the following: Legal Requirements * In X12/EDIFACT, the version/release identifier references published standards, and the semantic meaning of the conveyed information is defined by those standards. In XML, the version/release identifier may reference a 'point in time' semantic definition (e.g., a DTD) that is not published and might not be capable of reconstruction at a later date. Also, in an X12/EDIFACT based system, the semantic interpretation of the transmitted data is pre-defined by the referenced standard (as for example by a built-in EDI translator table). In an XML-based system, the semantic interpretation of the transmitted data is not pre-defined, but rather is based upon the behind-the-scene (and probably unsigned) transmission of the metadata. From a business/legal viewpoint, what constraints need we place on the XML based system with respect to metadata? One possible solution to the metadata problem might be to include a hash of the metadata along with the reference to it, and place the responsibility of verifying the metadata hash and retaining a copy of it for legal disputes upon the concerned parties. * In X12/EDIFACT, the facilities for signing/encrypting documents are quite extensive (e.g., signature over signature), whereas existing work with XML/EDI has only supported communication layer signatures/encryption. From a business/legal viewpoint, what are the security/privacy requirements? The expedient thing to do would be to accept the communications level solution for now, but is it adequate for now? * In X12/EDIFACT, detailed metadata is associated with every transmitted data field. XML does not require that transmitted data be associated with detailed metadata. What are the business/legal metadata requirements? Must all transmitted data be defined by (some well-defined minimal set of)metadata? Are there 'completeness' requirements for documents? Are there value range requirements, Etc? Interoperability Requirements (among disparate XML-capable systems) * Some business advice on this topic beyond 'must support interoperability' is needed (E.g., the scope of interoperability; upon which party or parties does responsibility lie for achieving interoperability; acceptability of non-XML based solutions) * Scope might include some existing XML/EDI applications, such as a RosettaNet application; some existing XML capable non-EDI applications, such as ORACLE-based application products. ebXML conformance could be defined such that both a RosettaNet application and an X12 Technical Report based application were implicitly ebXML conformant, or ebXML could be defined such that neither was conformant, but each could be transformed by some XML-based process to be ebXML conformant and so to be interoperable. * Responsibility might be defined as the responsibility of the ebXML non-conformant party (my recommendation) to provide an XML-based process to convert between a non-conformant XML application format and an ebXML conformant XML application format, or responsibility might simply be to provide sufficient metadata information to support an algorithmic conversion. * Non-XML based systems (e.g., a hard-coded application specific translator) might or might not (my recommendation) be tolerated in an ebXML conformant interoperable system. Bob Miller 615-371-6037
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