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Subject: BPM Requirements
Here are the requirements submitted by Paul Levine, team leader of the BPM project team. -- Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting http://www.metronet.com/~rawlins/
The current list of business process methodology requirements follows: 1. An XML-based business process integration shall be accomplished by means of a cross-industry global standard; 2. XML shall be cross-industry usable; 3. Normalized components shall be identified (Supply-chain management possible source); 4. Common resources currently engaged in short-term solutions shall be marshaled to reach a common long-term solution goal; 5. A high-level business process methodology shall be provided in terms of XML, i.e., DTD. 6. A methodology with which to specify "vertical" business processes according to a uniform "template" shall be selected (i.e., ebXML "superset") so they can be compared. 7. The ebXML "superset" business process meta-model shall be explicitly specified, not implied by instantiations or derivations. 8. Every effort shall be made to incorporate cross-industry methodologies for specifying business processes, e.g., OAG, RosettaNet, HL7, into the ebXML "superset." 9. A glossary of terms related to business process methodology: vocabulary, e.g., functional, non-functional, vertical, message, segment, data type shall be created and maintained (TMWG Unified Modelling Methodology document Annex 1 is a start) 10. A glossary of terms specific to each business process to be modeled shall be created and maintained. 11. A glossary of XML tags shall be created and maintained. 12. A web site for ready access to glossaries shall be created and maintained.
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