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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: BPM Requirements

Here are the requirements submitted by Paul Levine, team leader of the
BPM project team.

Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting

The current list of business process methodology requirements follows:
1. An XML-based business process integration shall be accomplished by means of a cross-industry global standard;
2. XML shall be cross-industry usable;
3. Normalized components shall be identified (Supply-chain management possible source);
4. Common resources currently engaged in short-term solutions shall be marshaled to reach a common long-term solution goal;
5. A high-level business process methodology shall be provided in terms of XML, i.e., DTD.
6. A methodology with which to specify "vertical" business processes according to a uniform "template" shall be selected (i.e., ebXML "superset") so they can be compared.
7. The ebXML "superset" business process meta-model shall be explicitly specified, not implied by instantiations or derivations.
8. Every effort shall be made to incorporate cross-industry methodologies for specifying business processes, e.g., OAG, RosettaNet, HL7, into the ebXML "superset."
9. A glossary of terms related to business process methodology: vocabulary, e.g., functional, non-functional, vertical,  message, segment, data type shall be created and maintained (TMWG Unified Modelling Methodology document Annex 1 is a start)
10. A glossary of terms specific to each business process to be modeled shall be created and maintained.
11. A glossary of XML tags shall be created and maintained.
12. A web site for ready access to glossaries shall be created and maintained.

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