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Subject: Re: Reminder - Last day for ebXML Requirements
OK, here are a few of my ebXML Requirements, though I still don't really understand the scope and focus of this group. Kit Lueder Technical Requirements Define an XML-based schema for Electronic Commerce/Electronic Business messages/transactions/documents. Provide a general specification for development of documents, not just a specific transaction set (i.e., not just Purchase Order, as was done by OBI spec). Define an XML syntax schema specification using DTD or XML-Schema for EB XML documents. Where possible, ebXML specification shall be based on X12 and UN/EDIFACT semantics and code lists. Provide support for XML metadata, such as the ebXML version/release and information corresponding to the EDI interchange headers. Requirements Issues: - The extent to which specifications are provided for communications and enveloping, versus for just the document encoding. In other words, at what level is interoperability to be specified? Is ebXML going to standardize on the syntax of the XML document contents as well as the syntax of the document envelope? - Compatibility with existing XML-EDI specifications, such as the Technical Report developed by ANSI ASC X12. For the June 1999 X12-XML draft, see: http://www.disa.org/x12/x12c/X12CTG3/PDF/xmltechreport.pdf - Extent to which security specifications are developed by ebXML, versus adopting some other XML general security solution (developed outside ebXML) or of communications security (e.g., S/MIME). -- _/ _/ Kit C. J. Lueder _/ _/ _/ The MITRE Corp. Tel: 703-883-5205 _/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/ 1820 Dolley Madison Bl Cell: 703-577-2463 _/ _/ _/ _/ Mailstop W658 FAX: 703-883-3383 _/ _/ _/ _/ McLean, VA 22102 Mail: kit@mitre.org Worse than an unanswered question is an unquestioned answer.
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