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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Work Plan Change, Agenda for 1/7, and Issues List


My thanks to all of you who submitted discussion papers to the
listserv.  These were all very good, and I wish we had time to discuss
them all in detail on the phone.  However, given our time frame to
complete a requirements specification I don't think we'll be able to.  I
have a concern, too, that while there were many good thoughts expressed
there were relatively few new requirements.  If we are to meet our goal
of an approved requirements specification by the end of the Orlando
meting we need to focus on distinct, specific requirements.

I would like to propose the following work plan for the remainder of our

o  Continue submissions of new requirements to the listserv.

o  Use the listserv to seek clarifications to requirements, challenge
requirements, and identify issues dealing either with conflicting
requirements or challenged requirements.   Issues may also be submitted
to the listserv or to me directly.

o  Use the conference calls primarily to discuss issues identified on
the listserv

o  Mark Crawford and I work between now and the meeting to produce a
requirements specification from the submissions and ongoing discussions.

o  Review the specification and discuss specific requirements at the
Orlando meeting with the goal of having a document approved by the
project team mid-week.  We may then submit the completed document to the
whole ebXML work group and present to individually to other project

Agenda for Friday, 1/7

1)    Roll call, introduction of new participants
2)    Approval of Agenda
3)    Approval, corrections to minutes from previous meetings
4)    Review proposed work plan
5)    Pending approval of work plan, begin discussion of issues list
6)    Schedule next call (we need a sponsor for the next call)

Conference call details again are:

   Date: Friday 2000.01.07

   Time: 0930-1100 California time (PST)
          (That's 10:30 - 12:00 MST, 11:30 - 1:00 CST, 12:30 - 2:00
EST.  Those of you in other time
            zones will have to do your own math)

   Dial-in number: 805 240 9483

   Participant code: 837 691

Mike Rawlins
ebXML Requirements Project Team Leader

Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting

ebXML Requirements Issues

Last Updated 1/6/2000

1.  Conflict - Maximize interoperability with existing EDI implementations, or maximize
interoperability between ebXML applications.

2.  Conflict - Maximize interoperability between ebXML applications, or maximize internationalization
by supporting multi-lingual ebXML components?  If the latter, which languages?

3.  Scope - Should the ebXML guidelines apply to business to consumer, or only business to business?

4.  Scope - Should the ebXML guidelines provide universally applicable cross industry document

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