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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: RE: ebXML Straw Poll Deadline Extended

1. Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Agree
4. Agree

Jaideep Roy
Vice President
Bear Stearns & Co.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Mike Rawlins [SMTP:rawlins@metronet.com]
> Sent:	Thursday, January 20, 2000 12:08 AM
> To:	List, ebXML Requirements
> Subject:	ebXML Straw Poll Deadline Extended
> Importance:	High
> I still have not received votes from several of you who have
> participated in our discussions.  I would like to get as many voters as
> possible.
> If you can, please send me your vote by 11:00 AM CST so that I can
> tabulate them before our call.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> --
> Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting
> http://www.metronet.com/~rawlins/

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