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Subject: vote
Kit Lueder's last-minute (sorry) vote on the issues: 1. Agree 2. Agree (but don't understand how multi-lingual is an issue at all) 3. Agree 4. Disagree (the issue should be stated more clearly--see below) ----------------- > 4. Scope - Should the ebXML guidelines provide universally applicable > cross industry document definitions? > Consensus: The guidelines should not provide these cross industry > document definitions. What does this mean? In current standards such as EDI, both the formatting rules and the information content are defined. This sounds like ebXML does not intend to manage the actual information content (e.g., a catalog of common business information products, DTDs, etc.) in a manner similar to efforts like EDI or more current XML-based initiatives like BizTalk or Rosetta. Am I interpreting this correctly, that ebXML will specify/standardize only the envelopes? -- _/ _/ Kit C. J. Lueder _/ _/ _/ The MITRE Corp. Tel: 703-883-5205 _/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/ 1820 Dolley Madison Bl Cell: 703-577-2463 _/ _/ _/ _/ Mailstop W658 FAX: 703-883-3383 _/ _/ _/ _/ McLean, VA 22102 Mail: kit@mitre.org Worse than an unanswered question is an unquestioned answer.
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