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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Re: ebXML Requirements Conference Call - Thursday March 2

Dear Mike and Folks,
Thanks a lot for your efforts to finalize the ebXML Requirements
Specifications. I am now in London to attend the UN/CEFACT
TMWG meeting chaired by Klaus.
So I could not join the tele-conference as usual. Sorry for that.
I have just looked at the Specifications Version 4 and one comment
on that as follows;

Page 3  - 1.2.1
"A single set of internationally agreed upon technical specifications that
consist of common XML semantics and related document structures to
facilitate global trade."

This single set of ebXML technical specifications will Create a Single
Global Electronic MarketT.  To create this single global electronic market,
this single set of ebXML technical specifications:"

This part may be a little bit misunderstandable. Our ebXML/WG target is
clearly mentioned in the ToR as follows;

" The goal is to provide an open technical framework to enable XML to be
utilized in a consistent and uniform manner for the exchange of Electronic
Business data in application to application, application to person and
person to application environments."

In my understanding, our final target is not "to create the single global
electronic market",
but "to provide an open technical framework to enable XML for global
Therefore, I suggest to modify this part along with the our ToR accordingly.

Good luck!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Rawlins" <rawlins@metronet.com>
To: "List, ebXML Requirements" <ebXML-Requirements@lists.oasis-open.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 5:52 AM
Subject: ebXML Requirements Conference Call - Thursday March 2

> Here are the details for our call this week, continental US Time zones:
> Time: 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM PST
>          10:30 AM - 12:00 PM MST
>           11:30 AM - 1:00 PM  CST
>           12:30 PM - 2:00 PM EST
> Dial-in: (605) 250-9281
> Participation: 365888
> We'll be discussing the latest revision of the Requirements Spec (and I
> hope the next to last, for awhile).  We should have a vote to approve it
> as is (or with minor changes) to send to the full ebXML Work Group on
> March 6.
> I'll send out another note when I have it posted to our team web page.
> Mike
> ebxML Work Group, Requirements Project Team Leader
> --
> Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting
> http://www.metronet.com/~rawlins/

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