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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: [Fwd: FYI Document]

BP Metamodel document for your review prior to the meeting.  This is
*not* being submitted for formal comment yet.

Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting

ebXML Steering Committee Members,
Please find the attached  ebXML Business Process Team's FYI Metamodel Document. The purpose of the document is to outline our metamodel work in progress and summarize Business Process Team metamodel scenarios, class definiitons, and issues. 
Team Leads should distribute this document to team members for review. prior to the Brussels meeting. Please remember this document is an FYI document.  We do, however, look forwrd to receiving your comments.
Thank you all.  See you in Brussels.
Best regards,
ebXML  Business Process Team Co-Lead
Marcia L. McLure Ph.D.
MMI E-Commerce Strategies and Solutions
28720 Canwood Street Suite 208
Agoura Hills,  CA 91301

ebXML BP Work In Progress Metamodel Document.doc

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