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Subject: ebXML Requirements Traceability Matrix
Hi, One of the Requirements Team's deliverables before the San Jose meeting is a matrix that will be used to help reviewers determine if requirements are met in the specifications produced by the other project teams. Each entry in the matrix would consist of a brief (a few words) text description of the requirement, the page/paragraph reference(s) in the Requirements Specification, and an open field for the page/paragraph reference(s) in the specification being reviewed. We would need to develop the rows and first two columns in the matrix, while the reviewers would fill in the third at time of review. I would like to develop this matrix by dividing the final Requirements Specification up into sections, and assigning each section to a specific person. To do this, we need a few volunteers. You'll need the final, approved version of the specification from the ebXML web site, and probably no more than two or three hours of your time between now and July 31 to invest in the effort. The actual time required will depend on the number of volunteers. It will be helpful to already be very familiar with the Requirements Specification, but this is not essential. I'll provide a sample matrix from part of the document so that you'll have an example. If you are interested in working on this effort, please send me an e-mail by Tuesday, July 18. If there are any sections you particularly prefer to work on, please let me know. Also as a reminder, the comment period for several new draft ebXML specifications ends this next Monday, July 17. Please review and comment on the documents if you are able. Regards, Mike Rawlins, ebXML Work Group, Requirements Project Team Leader http://www.ebxml.org/working/project_teams/requirements/
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