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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Re: ebXML metamodel write-up

The approved Requirements Specification was on this page fairly recently.
I, too, don't know what happened to it.  I am copying the ebXML chair to
request that it be restored.

In regard to the "discovery stuff" - There is a requirement for the registry
& repository to be able to store information about trading partner profiles,
but there are no specific requirements dealing with the creation of those
profiles.  So, it is not in the high level requirements.  However, that does
not prevent the architecture from including it in order to meet the high
level requirements.

Mike Rawlins, Requirements Team Project Leader.

"William J. Kammerer" wrote:

> Duane Nickull says the discovery stuff - i.e., identifying which trading
> partners are capable of engaging into a given electronic business
> transaction and who provide certain products and services - is
> "explicitly out of scope of ebXML."  Further, "The discovery phase has
> not been addressed in the TA Spec nor have they been included in any
> discussions.  I did not recall it being included in the Requirements
> Document which mandated our Technical Architecture Specification."
> This is what I thought was in all the Requirements drafts before
> Brussels.  Who took it out?  Will we ever know?  -the Requirements
> document approved at the Brussels plenary is not available at
> http://www.ebxml.org/specindex.htm.  It's not available at the
> Requirements Project Team working directory, either. Does anybody know
> where it is?   Did we lose it?
> William J. Kammerer
> 4950 Blazer Memorial Pkwy.
> Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305
> +1 614 791-1600
> Visit FORESIGHT Corp. at http://www.foresightcorp.com/
> "Commerce for a New World"

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