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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: ebXML Requirements Team Update

For those of you who did not attend the August meeting, here is a
somewhat belated update on Requirements Team activity at the meeting.

We completed a Requirements Traceability Matrix, and distributed it for
QA and the other teams to use to evaluate specification compliance with
the Requirements Specification.  We also started work on trading partner
requirements.  However, with the creation of the new Trading Partner
team, Marty Sachs and I agree that it would be counter-productive to
have TP work going on it two teams.  So, we transitioned our TP
requirements work into the new TP team.  Many of us followed the work
over there, and I am now vice chair of the TP team.  For those of you
who were following the discussion, the Steering Committee consensus was
that trading partner discovery should be included within our scope.
This is now somewhat of an open issue within the TP team, especially
with the announcement of the UDDI initiative.

This leaves all of our major outstanding work items completed.  We do
plan another, and probably final, revision to the Requirements
Specification as the ebXML initiative winds down.  The intention of this
revision will be to reflect new requirements, such as TP requirements,
and changes in requirements, so as to make the requirements and final
deliverables consistent.

I am still in the process of updating the public web page, and restoring
the private team web pages after the disk crash.  One of my tasks is to
update the membership list.  I plan to include all of the names listed
as contributors to the approved Requirements Specification.  If you are
not on that list and would like to be added to the web page, or if you
are on the list and prefer not to be listed, please let me know by
September 15.

Mike Rawlins
Mike Rawlins, ebXML Work Group, Requirements Project Team Leader

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