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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Re: Changing organization of ebXML Requirements Spec

I guess I should read a bit closer before I hit send (not enough caffeine
yet this morning).  What I propose is reorganizing the document to remove
most references to specific teams, and instead organize the framework
requirements by function or service.  For example, we would have a section
something like "Business Process Modeling" that would talk about the work
being done in both the BP and CC teams.   Instead of having a section on the
Registry & Repository Team, we would just have a section on the requirements
for a Registry & Repository.

Mike Rawlins wrote:

> I would like to propose a general change which we discussed before
> version 1.0 was approved, but did not implement since we felt it might
> be too radical a change at that time.    Version 1.0 has the items in
> section 3 (ebXML Technical Framework Requirements) organized by project
> team.  Some of us, including at least a couple of team leaders,  felt
> that this did not aid understanding and also seemed more appropriate for
> a project plan than a requirements specification.
> What do you think of this change?
> --
> Mike Rawlins, ebXML Work Group, Requirements Project Team Leader
> http://www.ebxml.org/project_teams/requirements/private/

Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EC Consulting

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