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Subject: ebXML requirements specification
Dear Mike Attached are some rapid comments on the redlined requirements specification recently referenced in an archived email date 12th January 2001 These comments are made after the deadline of 26th January so it is at your discretion if they are processed. If they are not processed please keep them on record until the next review I think it would be of great benefit to mandate each group chair to review their section thoroughly and preferably review the whole document Most comments i would class as editorial. The one exception is the continual referencing of some organisations as standards bodies when they are clearly not IMHO The attachment is zipped and all comments are in words comment mode (VIEW | COMMENTs Menu) I hope they are of some assistance. Any clarifications please get back to me btw: I recently read and commented on the TA specification as well. In general i find a good deal of consistency between at least these two specifications but equally the consistency is sometimes hard to fathom because i believe the terminology has changed quite a lot and the requirements specification tends to be a subset (i feel) of what is actually being covered by the sub-specs. Whether this is a good or bad thing is still open to question. Many thanks STUART ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stuart Campbell Technical Strategy Director, TIE Holding NV UK Office T:+44 1270 254019 F:+44 7971 121013 Netherlands T:+31 20 658 9335 F:+31 20 658 9901 Global M:+44 7970 429251 E:stuart.campbell@TIEGlobal.com W:www.TIEglobal.com P:www.stuartcampbell.co.uk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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