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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: [Fwd: Comments on Req Spec 1.04]

Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EC Consulting

My responses are in-line below.

Hema Patil wrote:

> Hello ,
> hv gone through requirement specification doc. it seems good
> but looking at the market, as from the document is it not sure that EBXML
> will b the future or not...can u write some words on that

It was not our intent to address the future by speculating on whether or not
ebXML will be successful.  Our intention in this document is only to identify
the requirements that ebXML is to address.

> as we all know web service(UDDI,dotnet,sun one) is alos hot for web data
> interchange can u focus on how will ebxml b successful
> trying to implement ebxml specification for sample B2C kind application

Again, same response.  That is not within the scope of this document.

> is there any ebxml implementation available presently

There are proof of concept demonstrations.  Visit the ebXML web site and look
for Proof of Concept team.

> Hoping &waiting for u'r quick response,
> Regards,
> Hema.
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Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EC Consulting

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