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Subject: RE: Who is maintaining the CORE COMPONENTS website?


The correct response is to email him and ask him how much time *HE* is
prepared to devote to fix it <grin>!!

IMHO - you guys are doing a great job!!!



> I find the Core Components project team website
> http://www.ebxml.org/project_teams/core_components.htm
> is *quite* poorly maintained.
> There has been significant information on the mailing list,
> particularly attachments, which are lacking from the website.
> What is more troublesome is the mishmash of "reference sites"
> and other misleading information that don't give an accurate
> picture of what the Core Components project team is doing, but
> only convey a sort of "implied message."  And most of the
> "reference sites" don't even have hyperlinks.  It is a
> disgrace.
> And this section is pathetic:
>   Needs
>    Listserv for task group members
>    Work group web page
>    Team leader and editor access to updating webpage
>    Concentrated/quality work group time at the next meeting
>    OASIS ensure participation from rosetta net, OBI, biztalk, etc.
>    Formalized process for coordination/communication with
> related project
> teams
> Are you serious?  This sounds more like what you'd find on a smalltown
> computer club's website, maybe, when it was in a startup phase.  Are
> you saying, at Month 8 of the ambitious global ebXML initiative, there
> is NOBODY on earth who cares enough about Core COmponents to maintain
> the website???
> This suggests a lack of commitment by *any* member of the team, of any
> level sufficient to achieve an intellectually sound outcome of:
>   Project team mission
>     Develop guidelines/methodology for consistently
> building/deriving of
> core components.
>     Identify and develop reusable core components.
>     Define metadata for core business information model.
>     Define rules for extensibility.
>     Recommend procedures for approving core semantic elements.
>     Define algorithm/conventions for producing tag names.
>     Develop guidelines for bridging core elements from EDI
> It is very troublesome to researchers like myself around the
> world, to have to depend on luck, whether we will stumble across
> reports in the press and 3rd party comments outside the ebXML
> communications apparatus, and crumbs of information mentioned
> in the mailing lists.
> For example, there is more information about COre Components in
> the following report than anyplace on ebXML list or website:
> http://www.xml.com/pub/2000/05/24/ebXML/index.html
> Let me draw you a picture of what people are thinking:
> (hmmm.  this is probably not a resource problem or laziness on the
> part of ebXML team members.  Core Components must have problems
> agreeing on any consensus and that is blocking their ability
> to post anything.  this bodes ill for ebXML....)
> (why don't these guys just publish that their views are divided, and
> declare publicly, what the business community should do, in order
> to save us from wasting a lot of time waiting for Core Components
> that will never exist....)
> Is that what you want people to think?   Here's what others
> will think:
> (hmmmm.   ebXML impacts the work of a lot of people, and the
> bottom line of many companies in all sectors of the economy in
> future years.  This is not just a question of the ecommerce
> companies today... )
> (click)  (click)  (click)  (back)  (click)  (click click click)
> (hey, this thing is REALLY opaque.  There is NOTHING else about
> Core Components.... Where is the vocabulary??? Core Components must
> be a closed process run by a handful of EDI companies.  They must be
> keeping their meetings secret to make sure ebXML vocabularies are
> faithful reproductions of EDI, and that nobody will be able
> to implement
> ebXML without software and services from EDI providers....)
> * Todd F. Boyle CPA    http://www.GLDialtone.com/
> * tboyle@rosehill.net    Kirkland WA    (425) 827-3107
> * XML accounting, WebLedgers, ASPs, GL dialtone, whatever it takes

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