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Subject: Brief Minutes from the 07/06/2000 Conference Call
ebXML Steering Committee Conference Call, 08:00-08:50 PDT 07/06/2000 Attendees: Anders, Ann, Bob G., Dick, Klaus, Lisa, Marcia, Mike, Paul, Rachel, Ray 1. Resolving the ebXML Web Site maintenance Issue. Grave concern was expressed by the StC about the lack of support by OASIS in regard to the maintenance of the public pages on the ebXML web site. Since neither Bob S. nor Bill were on this call the StC asked the UN/CEFACT executives to raise and address this issue ASAP (hopefully this week). In order to overcome the missing links under the "Drafts: Open for Comment" page for the Architecture, BP and Core Component Draft Specification, Klaus will post the links on the ebXML (General) list. In order to do so, the three PTL are asked to forward to Klaus the exact URL. The StC agreed not to change the time table because of the problems with the links being made public outside their list members. 2. Proposal to split the ebXML (General) list in to two list: ebXML: (Read only) for announcements from the Exec and StC to ALL ebXML members. Membership is mandatory to all ebXML participants. ebXML-Discussion: Open forum to those who want to have general discussions about ebXML not covered in any of the project teams. There would be a notice via a footer to any message that identifies the content of not officially representing the collective view of ebXML, the StC or Exec. Approved. Klaus to talk with Karl about the details and how to allow posting by the StC membership. Klaus to issue notification and details of the split to the ebXML list (after having figured out with Karl the details). 3. Review of the ebXML list server status. No major problems reported. It seems that Karl has resolved the routing of the BOUNCE messages so that they don't get send to the PTLs. Thanks Karl! 4. Update on possible issues identified during the current review of our ebXML Draft Specifications. No major issues reported. 5. Status on developing a roadmap and master project plan Ann is still awaiting the input material from most teams. Therefore, those teams which have not send their work plan/ roadmap to Ann (annabelle.bullen@us.pwcglobal.com), please do so ASAP. 6. Functional description for Team leads and Team editors (Rik Drummond) Since Rik could not make the call, item deferred to next StC call. 7. SOAP UPDATE (Rik Drummond) Since Rik could not make the call, item deferred to next StC call. 8. Other Business Project Team Work via private distribution lists Concern was expressed that there seem to be work being progressed via private distribution lists instead of the public available lists. This has created the perception that ebXML is not as open as it claims to be. StC agreed that any Project team that has currently private distribution lists create a public sub task list via the OASIS maintained list server. August ebXML Meeting Details Concern was expressed about the slow progression and release of meeting details for the August ebXML meeting. StC asked that the Exec committee address this issue right away. Proposed dates for 2001 meetings: Vancouver, 5-9 February Vienna, 7-11 May BTW, just received a note from the Vienna Organizer that there is a possibility for AUA (AUstrian Airlines) to offer a 10% discounts for the flights. ======================================================================= = This is ebxml-stc, the general mailing list for the ebXML = = Steering Committee. The owner of this list is = = owner-ebxml-stc@oasis-open.org = = = = To unsubscribe, send mail to majordomo@lists.oasis-open.org with = = the following in the body of the message: = = unsubscribe ebxml-stc = = If you are subscribed using a different email address, put the = = address you subscribed with at the end of the line; e.g. = = unsubscribe ebxml-stc myname@company.com = =======================================================================
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