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Subject: Re: Draft Agenda for Wednesday's (19 July 2000) biweeklySteeringCommittee teleconference

Why are there 3 talks about core components?

Bob Sutor
Program Director, XML Technology
716-243-2445 / Fax 716-243-1778 / Tieline 320-9138
Cellular 716-317-6899 / Pager 1-800-946-4645 PIN # 1473757

Dick Raman <dick.raman@cab-edi.net> on 07/19/2000 06:32:22 AM

To:   Klaus-Dieter Naujok <knaujok@pacbell.net>, ebxml-stc
Subject:  Re: Draft Agenda for Wednesday's (19 July 2000) biweekly
      SteeringCommittee teleconference

In preparation of our conference call today, we hereby send you our
agenda for the QTO (Quarterly Technical Orientation)...we find that the
'Bootcamp' is misleading people in thinking this is only for newcomers...We
feel everyone should attend....

Dick Raman

----- Original Message -----
From: <ebxml-stc-errors@lists.ebxml.org>
To: ebxml-stc <ebxml-stc@lists.ebxml.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 3:10 AM
Subject: Draft Agenda for Wednesday's (19 July 2000) biweekly
SteeringCommittee teleconference

> ebXML biweekly Steering Committee teleconference - 19 July 2000
> Dial-In Number = 1-800-338-9779
> International Callers = 1-719-457-0711
> Password = 144244
> Draft Agenda
> 1.   Approval of Draft Specification in San Jose
> 2.   Private Email Lists (Core Component Task Groups)
> 3.   Posting to Lists (Members and/or Cross Postings)
> 4.   Boot Camp (Morning Session) - Content and Schedule
> 5.   Functional description for Team leads and Team editors
> 6.   Other Business
> --
> Klaus-Dieter Naujok                        NextERA Interactive
> Antihoch, CA USA                               +1.925.759.1670
> PGP Finger: 6A4B 1683 CD99 E7BE F855  CC2F 4569 6BD8 76BD 1117

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