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Subject: RE: Different perspectives


Thanks for the quick response.

I like the change you made, and your change to Picture Two reflects what I
thought was
the actual 'hierarchy.'   However, I'm not convinced that this view is shared
across ebXML.

By the way, I put 'hierarchy' in quotes since it's tough to actually have one
when the
participants are all volunteers!


"Nieman, Scott" <Scott.Nieman@NorstanConsulting.com> on 07/26/2000 09:35:15 AM

To:   Mary K Blantz/CLGO/LTV@LTVProd, "'ebXML-StC@lists.ebxml.org '"
Subject:  RE: Different perspectives

I believe that Picture One may be misleading.  Picture Two is partly true.
I have modified both into one picture as I understand it.  CSG basically
commited to the concepts and recommendations brought forth by TMWG to
address the lack of market penetration of EDI.  TMWG looked at both OO and
XML and determine they were complementary.  ebXML is the proof of concept to
be able to express the business process  via a model (the BOV) and allow the
FSV (XML) to fulfill the implementation.  The UML to XML conversion brought
forth by SWIFT (Kris Ketels) in BP and Architecture is path forward.

The difference in concepts is the CBOs are implement at model time, while
the view of CC is that it can be done at runtime.  The problem of the CC
view is that the work has to be done to generate the "context" and the
desired result (via mappings) ahead of time so the runtime will work,
whereas in UML the CBOs and patterns are integrated into the model and XML
is autogenerated and fixed.  Same end results but CC looks like more work
and high maintenance. Extensions to the UML model (no need to define this
since it is inherit to UML's metamodel) can define variations if companies
need to satisfy unique requirements.  In addition, context is defined in the
UML models, and spans across a number of diagrams (use cases, activity
diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams and state machines).  Context is
not as simple as a few variables in an XML document, but focuses on who is
involved, the state of the ordering system and inventory levels( example),
the choreography of the flow if things go wrong and many other factors.


-----Original Message-----
From: mblantz@LTVSteel.com
To: ebXML-StC@lists.ebxml.org
Sent: 7/26/00 7:10 AM
Subject: Different perspectives

First of all, thanks to Klaus for the document he produced called "The
Road to
Not only is it very informative, but it also gave me what might be an
It also might be some kind of delusion.

Attached are two pictures.  Picture One describes my view of ebXML.
Picture Two
describes what I think I got out of Klaus' paper.   If my assessment is
accurate, then the frustrations and angers can be explained, and maybe
we can get beyond them once and for all at our Sunday get-together.

In any case, I'd love some comments back.

(See attached file: MKB Picture One.ppt)(See attached file: MKB Picture
 <<Ext Powerpoint 4.0>>  <<Ext Powerpoint 4.0>>

Ext Powerpoint 4.0

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