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Subject: RE: Monday morning Technical orientation session

Mike, et al,

My perception is that this is supposed to be a technical orientation for not
only ebXML newcomers, but also for first-time meeting attendees or an
existing member who would just like to see the big picture.

Furthermore, it would be extremely beneficial in bringing first-time
attendees up to speed so that when they begin activie participation in one
or more of the project teams during the week they'll be in a better position
to make immediate contributions without needing recaps, etc.

I thought this was the motiviation/need identified and agreed to at


|If I take it correctly that "putting forward" means that you
|are proposing this for StC review and decision, then I say it
|is OK in principle.  I
|would like to see the updated agenda to see the specifics on
|the Requirements time slot.  More to the point - who is
|speaking on Requirements, and
|what (if anything) do I need to do to (help them) prepare?
|I'm still a bit confused from your note about whether the
|general focus is to be an orientation for newcomers, an
|information meeting to help
|coordinate all of the teams, or both.  It may just be my
|memory, but I don't recall that we had a clear consensus on
|the last StC call about that.
|At any rate, since you have used "orientation" I assume it is
|primarily directed at newcomers.  Correct?  If so, then I
|think it's fine.  I have
|reservations about trying to do anything more than newcomer
|Klaus-Dieter Naujok wrote:
|> Dear StC members,
|> During our Executive conference call this week we addressed
|the topic of our Monday morning Technical orientation session.
|> Let me start by thanking Bob G. and his team not only for
|bringing forward the idea, but also preparing a draft outline
|for the session. In
|> order to make sure that we have a program where all projects
|teams are represented in an equal and fair way the Executive
|team puts forward the
|> following plan:
|> The orientation session starts with the requirement project
|team track, followed by the architectural track.  This will
|set the stage for the
|> rest of the teams to present how their work relates (fits
|in) to the overall architecture.  Since this session is all
|about awareness, it would
|> look rather dumb for anyone but the awareness team to MC the
|Monday morning session. Presentation should be short and to
|the point allowing as
|> much Q&A time. To achieve our goal in the short time
|remaining we suggest the following steps:
|> 1. All project teams to review the topic as selected and
|including any material that may have been prepared by Bob and his team.
|> 2. If required review with team and select the presenter.
|> 3. If changes are required please forward any comment in
|regard to the topic to the me directly. Comments and changes
|to the presentation, as
|> well as preparing new presentations should be made ASAP.
|Please note that Duane has forwarded some PP material that you
|may want to check if it
|> has something that can be use.
|> 4. ALL presentations to be send to the StC list by Wednesday
|next week as per last StC call.
|> 5. Awareness team to present to the StC next Wednesday the
|schedule with selected presenter list.
|> 6. StC to give their support for the schedule and content.
|If needed changes maybe agreed to.
|> 7. If changes are necessary after the call the modified
|material should be available for our Sunday afternoon session.
|> 8. Do the session on Monday morning.
|> =============================================================
|> --
|> Klaus-Dieter Naujok                                ebXML Chair
|> Antioch, CA USA                                +1.925.759.1670
|> PGP Finger: 6A4B 1683 CD99 E7BE F855  CC2F 4569 6BD8 76BD 1117
|Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting

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