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Subject: RE: Technical Orientation Session Schedule


As long as the other team leads and presenters agree.....you have an
additional 5 minutes.


|-----Original Message-----
|From: duane [mailto:duane@xmlglobal.com]
|Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 3:51 PM
|Cc: ebxml-stc@lists.ebxml.org
|Subject: Re: Technical Orientation Session Schedule
|I don't need 45 minutes. My presentation has already been
|pared down.   I was
|asking for 20 minutes presentation plus say ... 5 minutes for Q & A.
|PLEASE!!!    ;-)
|Rachel Foerster wrote:
|> Duane,
|> While I understand your request I am really in a quandry in
|granting it. The
|> schedule already goes slightly beyond noon. I don't know how
|to grant you 45
|> minutes and at the same time allow each other presenter 20
|minutes. What do
|> you propose as a solution? We should resolve this during the
|StC con-call on
|> Wednesday.
|> Rachel
|> |-----Original Message-----
|> |From: duane [mailto:duane@xmlglobal.com]
|> |Sent: Monday, July 31, 2000 3:29 PM
|> |Cc: ebxml-stc@lists.ebxml.org
|> |Subject: Re: Technical Orientation Session Schedule
|> |
|> |
|> |Rachel et at:
|> |
|> |I agree with the general time allotments but I would like to
|> |request a slightly
|> |larger amount of time for the run time scenarios by Technical
|> |Architecture.  I
|> |have given presentations before and it usually takes 45
|> |minutes minimum.  I
|> |have pared it down to a "bare" essential presentation which
|> |timed at about 20
|> |minutes.  THis would leave no time for Q & A.   IMHO - I feel
|> |that paring it
|> |down further would result in more questions due to lack of
|> |specific content.
|> |
|> |I presented my material last week for you all to review and I
|> |feel that all
|> |those who looked at it will agree.  I will try to present it
|> |as quickly as
|> |possible.
|> |
|> |Rachel - will you please provide me with the background
|> |templates for the
|> |presentation?  I need these by Tuesday at the latest.
|> |
|> |Duane Nickull
|> |duane@xmlglobal.com
|> |
|> |sutor@us.ibm.com wrote:
|> |
|> |> Rachel,
|> |>
|> |> Thank you very much for this. I would like to mention a
|> |> few guidelines for this session, many of them probably
|> |> obvious:
|> |>
|> |> 1. This session is for both informing the audience and
|> |>    showing a united front for ebXML moving forward. Whatever
|> |>    difficult discussions we have had in the last few weeks
|> |>    are not to surface in this session. This is especially
|> |>    true for the Q&A periods. The leadership will not
|> |>    hesitate to limit inappropriate discussions.
|> |>
|> |> 2. Presentations should not favor any particular vendor or
|> |>    consortium. Thus you should severely limit the use of
|> |>    logos and products in the discussions.
|> |>
|> |> 3. All the presentations should be in a common format. I
|> |>    presume Rachel and her staff will help ensure this.
|> |>    Try to make the presentations look as professional
|> |>    as possible in content and form.
|> |>
|> |> 4. It is assumed that the work being done is happening within
|> |>    the ebXML project teams. Other than PT leads and editors,
|> |>    there is no need to thank or mention a lot of people by name.
|> |>
|> |> 5. It is critical that these presentations be precise, crisp,
|> |>    and to the point. Any hint of vagueness will be seem as a
|> |>    sign of weakness by the media, whom you should assume
|> |>    will be attending.
|> |>
|> |> Remember that the point is to have the audience come away from
|> |> this session informed and ready to work. I'm sure that this
|> |> will be a great success and will set the stage for us to have
|> |> a very successful week!
|> |>
|> |> Bob
|> |>
|> |> ..........................................................
|> |> Bob Sutor
|> |> Program Director, XML Technology
|> |> 716-243-2445 / Fax 716-243-1778 / Tieline 320-9138
|> |> Cellular 716-317-6899 / Pager 1-800-946-4645 PIN # 1473757
|> |> sutor@us.ibm.com
|> |>
|> |> Rachel Foerster <rachelf@ix.netcom.com> on 07/31/2000 03:31:35 PM
|> |>
|> |> Please respond to rachelf@ix.netcom.com
|> |>
|> |> To:   "ebXML Steering Committee (E-mail)"
|> |> cc:
|> |> Subject:  Technical Orientation Session Schedule
|> |>
|> |>  In  follow up to Klaus? request here?s the schedule, etc.
|> |for the Monday
|> |> morning  ebXML Technical Orientation Session. I?ve allotted
|> |20 minutes for
|> |> each team to  present its topic. Since time is extremely
|tight each
|> |> presenter limit his or her  presentation to 10 minutes
|> |followed by a 10
|> |> minute Q&A. As MC/moderator for  this session, I?ll keep
|> |things moving
|> |> along in order to conclude by  noontime.
|> |>
|> |>  Also note that since the POC team  will be doing a separate
|> |demonstration
|> |> later in the week, I have not scheduled  POC for the Monday
|> |TO session. In
|> |> addition, I have not included the Technical  Coordination
|> |team since its
|> |> focus is to coordinate the work of all the technical  teams
|> |rather than to
|> |> deliver a piece of the overall ebXML  framework.
|> |>
|> |>  Lastly, since the schedule is so  tight it is not possible
|> |to build time
|> |> into it for transition between  presenters. Note that
|Klaus? message
|> |> requested that each presentation be to sent  to the StC list
|> |by Wednesday,
|> |> 8/2. It is important that everyone complies with  this
|> |request so that I
|> |> can make sure that all presentations are loaded onto a
|> |laptop for Monday?s
|> |> session. This will then allow a smooth transition between
|> |presenters and
|> |> be less time consuming.
|> |>
|> |>  Rachel
|> |>
|> |>
|> ||-----------------+------------------+----------------+--------
|> |---------|
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |  Team           |   Topic          |  Presenter     |
|> |Time           |
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |>
|> ||-----------------+------------------+----------------+--------
|> |---------|
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |  Awareness,     |   Welcome and    |  Rachel        |
|> |9:00-9:05a     |
|> |> |  Marketing &    |   Introductions  |  Foerster      |
|> |           |
|> |> |  Education      |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |>
|> ||-----------------+------------------+----------------+--------
|> |---------|
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |  Requirements   |                  |                |
|> |9:05a-9:25a    |
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |>
|> ||-----------------+------------------+----------------+--------
|> |---------|
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |   Introduction to|  Arofan        |
|> |9:25a-9:45a    |
|> |> |                 |   ebXML - its    |  Gregory       |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |   rationale in   |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |   the industry   |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |   and standards  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |   context        |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |>
|> ||-----------------+------------------+----------------+--------
|> |---------|
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |  Architecture   |   EbXML scenarios|  Duane  Nickull|
|> |9:45a-10:05a   |
|> |> |                 |   - specific     |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |   problems and   |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |   use cases ebXML|                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |   is addressing  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |>
|> ||-----------------+------------------+----------------+--------
|> |---------|
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |  Business       |   Business       |  Karsten       |
|> |10:05a-10:25a  |
|> |> |  Process        |   process        |  Reimer        |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |   modeling and   |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |   meta-modeling  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |>
|> ||-----------------+------------------+----------------+--------
|> |---------|
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |  Business       |   The role of    |  Brian  Hayes  |
|> |10:25a-10:45a  |
|> |> |  Process        |   context in     |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |   business       |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |   process and    |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |   core components|                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |>
|> ||-----------------+------------------+----------------+--------
|> |---------|
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |  Core           |   Methodology and|  Sue  Probert  |
|> |10:45-11:05a   |
|> |> |  Components     |   results        |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |>
|> ||-----------------+------------------+----------------+--------
|> |---------|
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |  Core           |   Core component |  Lisa  Shreve  |
|> |11:05a-11:25a  |
|> |> |  Components     |   vertical       |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |   validation     |  Mary Kay      |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |   projects       |  Blantz        |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |>
|> ||-----------------+------------------+----------------+--------
|> |---------|
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |  Registry and   |                  |  Scott  Nieman |
|> |11:25a-11:45p  |
|> |> |  Repository     |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |>
|> ||-----------------+------------------+----------------+--------
|> |---------|
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |  Transport,     |                  |  David  Burdett|
|> |11:45p-12:05p  |
|> |> |  Routing,       |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |  Packaging      |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |> |                 |                  |                |
|> |           |
|> |>
|> ||-----------------+------------------+----------------+--------
|> |---------|
|> |>
|> |> Rachel Foerster
|> |> Principal
|> |> Rachel  Foerster & Associates
|> |> Professionals in EDI & Electronic  Commerce
|> |> 39432 North Avenue
|> |> Beach Park, IL  60099-3602
|> |> Voice: 847-872-8070
|> |> Fax: 847-872-6860
|> |> http://www.rfa-edi.com
|> |

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