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Subject: FW: SJ Technical Orientation Agenda & Presentation Status


I hear what you're saying. It would seem there is no other alternative. On
the other hand, the topic, the agenda and the flow have been well known
since Bob Glushko's July 4th email message in which he not only identified
the topics and flow but also indicated that speakers for these topics were
already confirmed at that time.

Since you say you'll combine Brian's and Sue's presentations with yours
you'll have to specifically identify to me which slides are yours in the
master presentation that I've been compiling so that I can delete all of
them. The master presentation (current as of the date/time of this message)
is attached FYI for everyone.

Here's the status of presentation material received from the various

Received Final Version: Introduction to ebXML - Melanie McCarthy
Received Final Version: ebXML Requirements - Mike Rawlins
Received Final Version: ebXML Scenarios - Duane Nickull
Received Draft Version: Business Process Modeling & Metamodeling - Karsten
Not received: The Role of Context in Business Process & Core Components -
Brian Hayes
Not received: Methodology & Results - Sue Probert
Not received: ebXML Registry & Repository - Scott Nieman
Received Draft/Final (?): Transport, Routing & Packaging - Rik
Drummand/David Burdett
Not received: ebXML Proof-of-Concept - Nick Kassem

Since Scott Nieman will not be able to attend the SJ meeting, is there
anyone from RegRep doing a presentation? If yes, I'll need that PowerPoint

I know that everyone has myriad tasks on their plates. This Technical
Orientation Session should present to new ebXML attendees not only a
unified, consistent and conherent message, but a similar polished and
professional appearance. It would appear that we may be falling short of
this goal.


|With the series of twists and turns that this technical
|orientation has taken, it has impacted
|development schedules for some of the presentations.  Timing
|wise, this was very unfortunate since
|Brian Hayes has been on vacation this week, and Sue Proberts
|schedule has been difficult.  Both are
|aware of their time slots, and will have materials for Monday
|Morning.  I will work with them to
|compile their presentations with mine, so that we have them in
|a single ppt presentation, with a
|logical progression of content and examples.
|I realize this is an inconvenience, but know you share my
|desire for this technical orientation to
|have the best subject matter available.
|Rachel Foerster wrote:
|> All,
|> Attached is a single slide PowerPoint file with the detailed
|agenda for the
|> above. Thus far I have received slide files for the
|following topics from
|> these individuals:
|> Introduction to ebXML (Melanie McCarthy)
|> ebXML Scnearios (Duane Nickull)
|> Business Process Modeling & Metamodeling (Karsten Riemer)
|> Note that the timing for this agenda now extends the
|anticipated conclusion
|> to almost 12:30 pm! I believe that some of you feel you will
|not need a full
|> 20 minutes to present your topic. Thus, I'd appreciate each of you
|> confirming back to me by the COB Friday, 8/4, how much time you will
|> actually require.
|> Due to the extremely tight agenda I will have to ask each of
|you to stay
|> within your allotted time when presenting your topic. I will
|ring the bell
|> when your time is up so that we can keep the entire session moving.
|> Lastly, for those who have already provided me with their
|slides, please
|> confirm to me that what you've sent me is the final, final
|or whether you
|> anticipate another newer version.
|> For those who have not yet sent me anything, a reminder that
|your PowerPoint
|> slide file is due to me by the COB Friday, 8/4.
|> Thanks,
|> Rachel
|> Rachel Foerster
|> Principal
|> Rachel Foerster & Associates
|> Professionals in EDI & Electronic Commerce
|> 39432 North Avenue
|> Beach Park, IL 60099-3602
|> Voice: 847-872-8070
|> Fax: 847-872-6860
|> http://www.rfa-edi.com <http://www.rfa-edi.com>
|>                                                 Name: ebXML
|Technical Orientation Agenda.ppt
|>    ebXML Technical Orientation Agenda.ppt       Type:
|PPVIEW32 File (application/x-mspowerpoint)
|>                                             Encoding: base64

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