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ebxml-stc message

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Subject: ebXML/UDDI article in The 451

An article has appeared in the the onlline 451 news service that quotes
both Klaus and me about the connections and issues with UDDI and ebXML.
This does not quote me accurately, nor, in my opinion does it fully
the truth about ebXML and the status of some of the work. I will leave it
to Klaus
to say what he feels about how he was quoted. The reporter clearly was
to play us off each other. He spoke to Klaus first and then me.

I think we have seen many fine notes in this mailing list as the
of UDDI has increased over the last few days. I continue to believe that a
registry that is up and running quickly will be of great benefit to the
community because it will allow ebXML-enabled partners to discover each
other. UDDI is about the registries: their operation and content. They will
be operated at great expense by the partners to try to get this aspect of
B2B in practice as soon as possible and to take that very-large scale
experience into account when revising the specifications. Moreover this
is only version 1.  Given the increasing overlap between the ebXML and
UDDI participants, I surely expect the two efforts to influence each other
the next year.


Bob Sutor
Program Director, XML Technology
Office 716-243-2445 / IBM Tieline 320-9138
Fax 716-243-1778 / Cellular 716-317-6899
Text messaging 7163176899@messaging.sprintpcs.com
sutor@us.ibm.com  -  http://www.ibm.com/xml

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