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Subject: Revised Approval Procedure
Folks, Here is yet another version of the approval procedure, reflecting changes suggested by Rik Drummond and Tim McGrath. We have an open issue in that there is 1 week in the schedule between submission to the QR team and submission to the full work group for comment. I don't have any time in the schedule now for the submitting team to deal with comments by the QR team. Is one week sufficient for both the QR team to comment and the submitting team to respond, or do we need more? If we need more, then we are slipping into submitting *before* the start of a quarterly meeting in order to make the *succeeding* meeting. I don't think that this is going to work. We probably need to discuss it on Wednesday's call. Cheers, Mike -- Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EC Consulting http://www.metronet.com/~rawlins/
ebXML Specification Approval Process Sep 18 2000.doc
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