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Subject: Fwd: ebXML at XMLOne London - IMPORTANT

Yesterday at XML 2000 I met with the conference organisers for XML One 
London in March, at which we plan to make a "reasonable" amount of noise in 
support of the upcoming 'launch' of the ebXML infrastructure.  As you will 
see in the note below the organisers are excited about our participation, 
and have offered us an entire track in their conference program (good 
news).  However, we need to move very quickly to secure this track, and I 
am therefore seeking submissions from each of the Project Leads (or 
appropriate representative) of the Committees producing specifications, 
plus a submission from the POC team.
We have up to 9 sessions available and the content needs to be technical in 
nature and vendor independent.  I propose that one of the sessions talk 
about the 35,000 ft view, and one of the sessions discuss how to implement 
from a POC point of view.  Therefore, can you please, as a matter of 
urgency pull together an abstract with bio for a speaker from your team, 
and submit to Tara Riordan at XML One (feel free to copy me in).  This 
needs to happen this week as they are about to submit the first promotional 
brochure for print (it will be distributed early in Jan 2001).
Also we have been offered a keynote on the Wednesday pm of the conference 
for a POC demo.  We have also been offered a press conference prior to 
this.  I need confirmation from the POC team that this is acceptable.

I will get back to you with news about meeting rooms and space for vendors 
in the trade exhibit later, but at this stage please respond to Tara with 
your abstracts to ensure ebXML can take full advantage of this fantastic 
I am travelling this week, so if you have any questions please call me on 
my cell 415 297 4017.


>From: tara@tarariordan.com
>Date: 4 Dec 2000 19:32:18 -0800
>X-Sent: 5 Dec 2000 03:32:18 GMT
>To: simon.nicholson@eng.sun.com
>X-Mailer: Web Mail
>Subject: ebXML at XMLOne London
>It was a pleasure meeting with you again.  Jane and I are very excited 
>(she really is) about adding ebXML training to the program.
>As discussed we hope to add a full track technical training to the 
>agenda.  Ideally, we are looking for 7 to 9 technical sessions, one 30,000 
>foot overview and one panel (to close the show).
>Please keep in mind that our audience are primarily software developers 
>who are looking for very technical information.
>Topics to be addressed would likely cover:
>- overview of the technical architecture (I imagine that this could cover 
>two sessions)
>- Requirements
>- Proof of Concept
>- Core Components
>- Registry & Repository
>- Business Process
>- Trading Partners
>- Case Studies: ebXML in Europe -
>Showing "ebXML in action" would be a terrific topic for the closing 
>panel.   Showcasing the very near future of the power of ebXML would 
>really cap things off very nicely.
>We are expecting an audience of over 600 delegates (full conference) to 
>attend over the four days.  Additionally, on Wednesday & Thursday our 
>exhibition will open featuring over 60 leading XML vendors.
>As expected the deadline for the brochure is looming.  I will need to 
>receive proposals/abstracts for the program this week.  Please feel free 
>to contact me directly with your queries.
>Tara Riordan
>516-873-0220 office
>516-459-1691 mobile
>AOL IM ID: Tara S Riordan

Simon Nicholson
Snr. Market Strategist
XML Technology Centre
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Tel:    +1 (650) 786 4238
Fax:    +1 (650) 786 5723
Email: simonn@eng.sun.com

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