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Subject: Draft Agenda for Wednesday's (03 January 2001) biweekly SteeringCommittee Call

I hope you all had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. Time to
get back to ebXML :-)

I specially hope that Rik will be able to join us, if not that his
alternates will be able to do so :-)




ebXML Biweekly Steering Committee Teleconference - 03 January 2001

Time: 08:00 PST (11:00 EST, 16:00 UK, 17:00 CE) for 1 hour

Dial-In Number = 888-443-7705
International Callers:= 712-271-3025
Password = 84164

Draft Agenda

1. Status/progress Update on Deliverables

1.1. February Approvals (Vancouver) Clarification on TA
Specification, completeness & time table

1.2. March Approvals (Geneva)

1.3. April Approval (Vienna)

2. Future Meeting Updates/Issues

2.1. Vancouver (February)

2.2. Geneva (March)

3. Formal Protest from XMLGlobal in regard to exclusive references
to use of OQL for RegRep.

Klaus-Dieter Naujok                          ebXML & TMWG Chair
Netfish Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, Chief Technology Officer

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