Subject: TP Team Vice Chair Needed
Folks, When I volunteered to serve as vice chair of the TP Team at the San Jose meeting, I fully expected that I would be able to serve in an active role for the duration of the team's work. However, as some of you may be aware, I am finishing my work on an M.S. in computer science this fall. I am taking 12 hours and still finishing up some work on my thesis. As both my course work and the TP team work has developed, it has become clear to me that I can't do justice to both. Therefore, I regret to announce that I must resign as vice chair of the TP team. I will continue to participate as I am able and plan to get involved again in December when the semester is over. However, I don't believe that I can participate as actively as a vice chair should. If you are interested in serving as vice chair (which is an unofficial but highly useful position), please contact the team leader, Martin Sachs, at As nominations are now open, I would like to nominate David Burdett. David had also expressed an interest in serving at the San Jose meeting, and has been a very active contributor to discussions on the listserv. I think that he would do a fine job. Please also note that the team still needs an editor. Regards, -- Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EC Consulting
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