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Subject: Jan 24 Conf call notes
Attending Richard Bigelow Scott Hinkelman Chris Ferris Marty Sachs Dale Moberg 1. It was agreed that the current draft was sufficiently far along, that it should go to the STC and ask for QR review at the current version level. Marty will put on the final editorial touches this afternoon and send it off. 2. We agreed to each try to assemble the open issues that had emerged over the last several months, and to begin to prioritize them, partly in preparation for Vancouver and to provide the next week's agenda. 3. Marty raised several issues: one was whether relying on lexical ordering of elements in the instance would be sufficient to indicate preference among the items-- that is, that all common parsers of XML instances would retain access to that lexical ordering and in some way make it available to an application needing to make use of preferences. 4. Another pertained to certs, and the variable places for certids. It was agreed to regard the Role's certid as an indicator of the payload's signing certificate (which may or may not be distinct from the MS signing certificate for the ebxml header and also may or may not be distinct from client side SSL or server side SSL certificates). To be added to next draft... 5. We discussed having multiple parties in the CPP (for the multiple DUNS+4 use case) and this seems to be worth doing. We are considering how multiple ids for one party will be distinguished from multiple partyids for more than one party, and Chris will study this. Security will need to review the cert information and the questions of ids to check that a workable approach to the identity of signature across multiple levels of signing is arrived at.
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