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Subject: comments on revised role and service binding


Here are some things that are still open on role and service bindings,
mostly in the form of suggestions for additional text in the spec.  Some
may belong in the CPA composition appendix when it is written but
meanwhile, my taste is to put them in the spec in the appropriate places so
we can then forget about them.

We could use some explanation (perhaps a non-normative note) about how the
service binding preferences are applied.  Based on our discussion at
today's call, they are applied in two ways:

   1.  In chosing the highest-preference delivery channels that are
   compatible between the two parties.  This relates to the as yet
   undefined send properties but I think that this note could be written
   now, basically using the words the first sentence.

   2.  An implementation may provide the capability of dynamically
   assigning delivery channels on a message basis during performance of the
   collaboration protocol.  The highest-preference available delivery
   channel would be chosen based on present conditions.

A brief non-normative note covering the case where an override delivery
channel in a CPP is not compatible with the other party when the CPP is
composed.  Probably just a caveat that this situation can occur is
sufficient.  It can be resolved either by negotiating or by reverting to a
compatible default channel.

A non-normative note saying that when a CPA is composed, only compatible
service bindings are retained and the default channel for each party is the
highest preference channel that is compatible with the other party.

Some explanatory text on the certificates in the role tag and delivery
channel.  The basic points are that the certificate referred to by the role
tag relates to the authorizing role and signing the payload while the
certificates in the delivery channel relate to message exchanges.

On a related matter, we need to understand the function of nonrepudiation
in the delivery channel vs the certificate in the role tag. Does
nonrepudiation in the delivery channel relate to signing of header or does
it also relate to signing payload?

The word "default" appear in a couple of places. The word needs to be
related to "highest preference delivery channel" somewhere, probably in the
second paragraph under "Role Element", which is where the word is used the
first time.

It needs to say that the value of the message attribute is defined in the
collaboration protocol document pointed to by the collaboration protocol
element identified by the collaborationId attribute.

I suggest that some of the points raised by Dale also call for additional
explanation in the spec.

I'm keeping this on the list of things to do for now.  It's probably best
if you provide the text for these at your convenience.  It could be an
email with an indcation of where each piece of text goes.



Martin W. Sachs
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. B. 704
Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com

christopher ferris <chris.ferris@east.sun.com> on 01/23/2001 09:45:55 PM

To:   "ebxml-tp@lists.ebxml.org" <ebxml-tp@lists.ebxml.org>
Subject:  Re: next conference call - reminder

I'd like to submit this revised version of my Role proposal for
consideration in tomorrow's call. I have attempted to clear up
some of the confusion regarding the semantic meaning of the Override
element by tweaking its description a bit.

I've also updated the list of sources for the Role name to
align it with the BPM based on some discussions I had with Karsten

This version has change tracking enabled from the previous version
I sent out so that the changes are easily identified.



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